Social self and Digital self

Nowadays, the real world we are living with is no longer the only home we are attached to. There is already a virtual world. A virtual world is connected to the technologies we are using today. This is the 21st century and so this is the reason why we created our digital self. There is already a generated self,  made accordingly for us to understand our sense of self when we are inside in the digital world. In today’s blog, I would love to share what I learned in our class discussion about digital self and social self.

How to become an awardee?

                 Typical school life is a friendly place for learning and improving one's skills, but still, it became a competitive environment. The education we receive in the different educational institutions and the attitudes, behavior, norms, and morals that we develop will later guide us in the rest of our life. Our grades will soon become important, especially our grades in college years, because when we get into our first job this will become part of one of the most credible credentials we can be proud of and use. To become a successful student we need to learn certain skills and these skills are all can be learned at school.

Stress management is Self-care: A love for oneself and a way to success!

Do you take time to look after your holistic well-being? Yes, your social, emotional, physical, mental, financial, environmental, and spiritual health and well being? Do you manage your stress very well?
If you do, congratulations! If not, maybe it is time for some self-care and stress management habits.

My Physical Self, My Beauty and Extension of My Sexual Self

                       When we are born, our concept of self is not yet developed. 
The proof is when a person is in babyhood. A baby who looks in a mirror sometimes have a misconception in his/her reflection in the mirror, they think that the image produces in the mirror is a different person. This is because they not yet know the concept of self. 

Small Acts, Big Impact
One’s political self is one of the most important perspectives of the self. As part of society, we exercise certain rights, practices, and decisions that may affect the development and the growth of our country. Each person who belongs in a certain social status corresponds in its specific functions and roles in the community or even in society. We are all gifted with freedom. And this freedom should be maximized to its full potential.

Material Self And Spiritual Self

               What is the material self and spiritual self? How can you integrate those two aspects? What is the connection between the two in our daily lives? These questions will be answered in our blog today.

Futuristic Ideas

 Visualize your success from earning and learning. In God’s will and mercy, you’ll achieve it. -Charlene Rose

Life Transitions: A Worthy Living


" Who I am now is the person that is built by a worthy time" – Charlene Rose Laynes

Questions turn to Realization : Who Am I perspective! What I want to make and what I value Inside of My Bag.

                             What is the most important thing in your bag that you don't want to lose? And what about, ' If you were to create something that will make your life easier, what would it be?' These questions trigger my curiosity. My professor in UTS ( Understanding the self) subject leave these questions hanging before the class meeting ends. 

              Today in our class meeting, my brain was filled with questions! As in! At first, my classmates have their reporting. The topic that we've discussed today is about the self from various perspectives, it is much more philosophical about understanding oneself. So here's what happened. At the introduction of our class discussion, the assigned reporters started with a question, 'Who am I?', wherein the question is directed to us. This question triggers my curiosity. That is the first time I asked myself, “Who am I?” The initial idea that is running on my mind is that, do I really know myself? Who is the real me? And how I can say so that this is me, that I know myself. Then so I got confused and the reporting proceeds.